
Results of licensing and registration of financial institutions by the National Bank in November

During November, the National Bank received 567 inquiries from non-bank financial institutions. The largest number of inquiries concerned financial companies, pawnshops and lessors – 470. The number of inquiries concerning credit unions was 21 and insurers […]


The National Bank will establish criteria by which the degree of risk of non-banking financial services market participants is assessed

According to the  NBU , the establishment of criteria will determine the frequency of scheduled inspections of institutions. In particular, it is proposed to establish the following criteria for assessing the degree of risk: – state of […]

Leasing News

The National Bank has completed the planned acceptance of reports from non-bank financial institutions for the first half of 2020

This week saw the end of the date of the first reporting to the new regulator by non-bank financial institutions in a new format. The NBU has accepted reports from more than 84% of financial […]

Leasing News

Published questions and answers on the formation of reporting of non-banking financial institutions and its submission to the National Bank

In order to ensure timely reporting by non-bank financial institutions, the National Bank continues its dialogue with market representatives to provide clarifications and information support. In particular, the National Bank has developed and published a document […]

Leasing News

The National Bank presents for public discussion a draft Regulation on the procedure for inspecting non-bank financial institutions

The National Bank plans to regulate the procedure for inspecting participants in non-banking financial services markets, which it has been supervising since July 1, 2020. To this end, a draft Regulation on the organization, conduct and […]