Principles of membership in UUL are determined by the Bylaw.

Members of Association can be legal entities, who are engaged professionally into providing leasing services with implemen-tation of all requirements, foreseen by the current legislation of Ukraine, as well as in relation to registration. Legal entities, who don’t provide such services but are interested in leasing market development, can be associated members, who have neither an authority voice at the general meetings nor a membership right in the Board. At the same time they have the right of a deliberative vote and other rights and duties in Association membership.

In accordance with the decision of Association general assembly, which was held on January, 15, 2009, changes about member-ship in the Union were made in the Charter. The list of documents, which should be given by companies-candidates for joining the Association, was also ratified. Now it consists of the followings documents: Application to Executive Director, certificates about registration of a legal entity and registration from Ukrainian Commission for Regulation of Financial Services Market. If there is no certificate from Ukrainian Commission for Regulation of Financial Services Market, then the certificate from the unique state register of State Statistics Committee of Ukraine should be given.

In the past the application was examined each month at the meeting of Association Board.  Currently the Board votes online, so the whole procedure is much faster. The Board makes a decision by majority of votes, and a new elected member receives the membership certificate.

The entrance fee for companies, which join the Association, equals to one monthly payment for each category of membership.
Application for Membership