Leasing News

The Association is researching the topic: Leasing in the field of renewable energy: obstacles and opportunities

The Ukrainian Union of Lessors, with the support of the USAID Financial Sector Transformation Project grant program, continues to study the problems, opportunities and prospects of leasing in various sectors of Ukraine’s economy. The Association […]

Leasing News

The National Bank has completed the planned acceptance of reports from non-bank financial institutions for the first half of 2020

This week saw the end of the date of the first reporting to the new regulator by non-bank financial institutions in a new format. The NBU has accepted reports from more than 84% of financial […]

Leasing News

In Ukraine, about 20% of cars are sold on credit

Despite the growth of car loans, the share of cars sold on credit remains unchanged. This was reported by the Financial Club in the project ” 50 leading banks of Ukraine – 2020 “. Traditionally in Ukraine […]