Leasing News

The volume of financial leasing provided by banks decreased by 14% in 2020 – according to the Association of Lessors

Ukrainian banks entered into financial leasing agreements worth UAH 6.7 billion in 2020, which is 14% less than in the previous year. In the fourth quarter, the increase in the value of new leasing agreements of […]

Leasing News

Non-banking financial sector to receive new laws: draft law on financial services and financial companies registered in parliament

The draft Law №5065  “On Financial Services and Financial Companies” was registered in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine  . This document is a framework law for all financial services in Ukraine and defines common basic approaches to regulation and supervision […]

Leasing News

Leasing gets a new lease of life – industry legislation has been updated for the first time in 15 years (studying innovations)

The Verkhovna Rada recently adopted a new version of the Law on Financial Leasing, the first draft of which was created by the market itself in the person of a professional association of lessors of […]

Leasing News

Verhovna Rada approved a new law on financial leasing

The Verkhovna Rada approved the law on financial leasing exactly one year after its adoption as a basis.  279 people’s deputies voted for the corresponding bill  №1111 in the second reading and in total. Note that this law […]