Company News

To accelerate the development of the Association in order to accelerate the development of the market, – a press release following the results of the General Meeting of the Association “Ukrainian Union of Lessors”

The Professional Association of Lessors has recently hosted a general meeting of participants to discuss a new strategy for future periods, new governance policies and membership fees. Such reformation has come under extremely favorable conditions […]

Leasing News

According to the results of the first half of 2019, the leasing market continues to grow steadily, and the share of members of the Association “Ukrainian Association of Lessors” is predominant: in the portfolio 79%, in the new business 61%

PRESS RELEASE September 19, 2019, Kyiv, Ukraine Financial leasing market continues to grow in Ukraine. The decisive contribution to the positive trend is made by companies, members of the professional association of lessors. They show […]

Leasing News

Results of 2018 of lessors – members of the Association

19 березня 2019, Київ, Україна. – «Протягом 2018 року обсяг нового бізнесу (вартість профінансованих об’єктів лізингу) склав 14,95 млрд грн– що на 61% перевищує обсяги 2017 року», – повідомила Марина Масіч, директор Асоціації «Українське об’єднання лізингодавців. […]

Leasing News

Ukrainian Union of Lessors Q3 2018 results

PRESS RELEASE. Results of the third quarter of 2018 of the companies participating in the Association “Ukrainian Union of Lessors” During 9 months of 2018: +4.3 billion UAH in the volume of new business Compared […]

Company News

Ukrainian Union of Lessors welcomes a new member!

Ukrainian Union of Lessors welcomes a new member –  company “Otokoc Ukraine“, which represents in Ukraine the world-famous car rental brand Budget. Limited Liability Company “Otokoc Ukraine” started its activity in 2017 and has the […]