Company News

To accelerate the development of the Association in order to accelerate the development of the market, – a press release following the results of the General Meeting of the Association “Ukrainian Union of Lessors”

The Professional Association of Lessors has recently hosted a general meeting of participants to discuss a new strategy for future periods, new governance policies and membership fees. Such reformation has come under extremely favorable conditions […]

Company News

Scania Credit Ukraine: the largest financial leasing agreement in Ukraine for the supply of Scania trucks in the retail sector – 72 new cars for approximately € 7 million for Fozzy Group

Найбільша угода фінансового лізингу в Україні на поставку вантажівок Scania у сфері роздрібної торгівлі: 72 нових автомобілі загальною вартістю приблизно 7 мільйонів євро для компанії “Fozzy Group”. […]